In the grip of the gulls

In the grip of the gulls © Ekaterina Bee


Stuck in © Ashleigh Scully

Glimpse of a lynx

Glimpse of a lynx © Laura Albiac Vilas

Bear hug

Bear hug © Ashleigh Scully

La forza del matriarcato

The power of the matriarch © David Lloyd

Tesori artici

Arctic treasure © Sergey Gorshkov

Resplendent delivery

Resplendent delivery © Tyohar Kastiel

Nel nome di Nemo...

The insiders © Qing Lin

Elefanti e palme da olio

Palm-oil survivors © Aaron Gekoski

Tigri in gabbia

Saved but caged © Steve Winter

Cavalluci marini e cotton fiock

Sewage surfer © Justin Hofman